Kyanite – Blue

Aligns the chakras and closes gaps in one’s auric field. Broadens perspective, allowing one to accept new ideas Assists with meditation and dream recall.


Helps heal “broken hearts”, Relieves stress and anger, Removes obstacles in communication, specifically in regard to romantic relationships


Helpful for meditation and astral projection. Strengthens and aligns auric field. Said to diminish the effects of alcohol.


Stone of unconditional love. Eliminates negativity and enhances meditation. Bring prosperity and harmony.


Enhances feminine energies and activates one’s connection to the goddess. Clears the throat chakra and assists with speaking one’s highest truth. Awakens compassion, balances emotions and brings peace to the mind and heart.


Increases vitality Enhances creativity and, in adults, heightened sexuality. Brings people who are ‘too spiritual’ into an enjoyment and appreciation of the physical world.


Provides a link between Earth and the higher realms, allowing energy from the Divine to be manifested in this world. Helps one combat lethargy and restlessness by providing initiative. Improves confidence and can …

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