Stone of unconditional love. Eliminates negativity and enhances meditation. Bring prosperity and harmony.
Stone of unconditional love. Eliminates negativity and enhances meditation. Bring prosperity and harmony.
Resolves emotional imbalances and awakens the heart. Promotes forgiveness and compassion for others. Connects one to nature and encourages a youthful outlook on life.
Enhances feminine energies and activates one’s connection to the goddess. Clears the throat chakra and assists with speaking one’s highest truth. Awakens compassion, balances emotions and brings peace to the mind and heart.
Powerfully opens the throat chakra enhances one’s communication skills. Cooling, calming, and soothing. Expands intellectual capabilities.
Enhances honesty. Reduces fears, anxieties, and apprehensions. Amplifies one’s connection with nature, particularly devas, faeries, and earth spirits.
Helps with grief and loss Diminishes self-pity helping one to find their point of power. Helps procrastinators move forward.
Helps translate the longings of the heart to be understood. Keeps one from worrying about things that might not happen. Encourages being present.