
Good stone for those who have a lot of work to do and need help staying on task. Activates the lower three chakras, promoting endurance, persistence, and power. This makes it ideal for …

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Citrine – Heat-Treated

Enables one to be more assertive and outgoing. Dispels heaviness of emotion and allows one to see things in a more positive light. Helps one enforce boundaries with others.

Aventurine – Red

Stone of vitality. Assists with perseverance, helping one push through difficult periods and giving them the strength to get things done. Improves confidence and may help with various forms of sexual dysfunction.


Heals issues related to a lack of grounding. Attracts that which one needs to survive. Alleviates worries over situations that are out of one’s control.


Associated with alchemy. Sets one forth on the path to enlightenment, refusing to let them stray course until they’ve reached their destination. Ideal for soul retrieval, allowing the user to sink many levels …

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Ruby – Star

Pure expression of Divine light. Effective in treating sexual dysfunction as well as enhancing tantric work. Helps ground anxieties related to the trauma and dissipates them


Self-transformation stone Takes the user and turns them into the highest version of themselves. Reminds one that they are supported by spirit when transition becomes difficult.

Buddstone (Verdite)

Can be used to gain information from one’s elders, both past and living. “Polishes” away one’s abrasive tendencies and ease disharmony in relationships. Stimulates the first four chakras, encouraging the movement of Kundalini …

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Helps repair emotional damage. Promotes kindness to self and following your heart in a positive way. Emphasizes making wishes heartfelt to bring fulfillment.

Fairy Stone

Promotes nurturing of the Earth and those upon it. Brings practical solutions to everyday problems. Helps one stay grounded during channeling.

Chiastolite (Cross Stone)

Traditionally used to ward off the “evil eye”. Symbolizes death and re-birth. Can be helpful during transitions.

Meteorite, Nickel-Iron

Initiates spiritual growth and focuses more on the process rather than the outcome. Assists with maintaining structure and routine in everyday life. Helps one find the spiritual in the mundane.

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