
Useful in promoting group efforts. Effectively moves energy. Provides for the synthesis of personal power, physical energy, and creativity, producing a stimulation of the electric currents within the body and facilitating the removal …

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Tigers Eye – Gold

Increases physical energy, stamina, mental clarity, will power, strength and decisiveness. Increases personal power & ability to manifest one’s desires. Provides protection, clarity, empowerment, will power and protection when you travel.

Tigers Eye – Blue (Hawk’s Eye)

Enhances integrity of communication. Helps one find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Used for protection.

Tiger’s Eye – Red

Supports willpower and raises self esteem. Increases passion and motivation to succeed. Helps one ground their ideas in the physical realm.


Stone of balance that can help when one is either too grounded or too engaged in the higher realms. Works by helping user to distinguish between what they would like to be true …

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Ruby In Fuschite

Encourages facing the future with trust and confidence. Promotes self esteem and greater discernment when choosing romantic partners. Infuses one with life force energy and powers through blockages.

Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite)

Promotes growth and fertility in all aspects of life Harmonizes relationships with others Helps one joyfully engage with the world


Promotes optimism and passionate pursuit of one’s aspirations. Stone of courage that eliminates doubt and helps one deal with anxiety. Inspires the protective side of one’s nature, pushing them be of service to …

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Activates loving energy in oneself and others. Used to facilitate lucid dreaming. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘stone of peace’ and may help resolve conflicts.

Smoky Quartz

Removes blockages to physical energy associated with fear and early negative experiences. Balances and cleanses the meridians and subtle bodies. Turns wishes and dreams into a reality.

Petrified Wood

Gives one access to timeless knowledge. Solidifies feelings of security and strength in times of change. Encourages patience in the process of slow change.


Stabilizing and calms excess female energy. Helps banish grief, and enhances self-control. Stimulates the power of wise decision-making.

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