Ruby – Star
Pure expression of Divine light. Effective in treating sexual dysfunction as well as enhancing tantric work. Helps ground anxieties related to the trauma and dissipates them
Pure expression of Divine light. Effective in treating sexual dysfunction as well as enhancing tantric work. Helps ground anxieties related to the trauma and dissipates them
Seperated into two different types: elite shungite is composed of 30-50% carbon and is used more for carvings due to its shapability; Noble shungite is composed of 90% carbon, and is more metallic …
Removes blockages to physical energy associated with fear and early negative experiences. Balances and cleanses the meridians and subtle bodies. Turns wishes and dreams into a reality.
Stone of balance that can help when one is either too grounded or too engaged in the higher realms. Works by helping user to distinguish between what they would like to be true …
Nicknamed “fairy crosses” and can be used to connect with nature spirits. Helps one link with the consciousness of unseen worlds. Aids in giving up self destructive habits and cleansing away negativity.
Enhances integrity of communication. Helps one find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Used for protection.
Increases physical energy, stamina, mental clarity, will power, strength and decisiveness. Increases personal power & ability to manifest one’s desires. Provides protection, clarity, empowerment, will power and protection when you travel.
Supports willpower and raises self esteem. Increases passion and motivation to succeed. Helps one ground their ideas in the physical realm.
Among the first anthropods ever discovered, believed to have been prominent during the paleozoic era. Assists one in moving from the old to the new Supports innovation and enhances overall quality of life
Good stone for those who have a lot of work to do and need help staying on task. Activates the lower three chakras, promoting endurance, persistence, and power. This makes it ideal for …
Stone of virtue which raises one’s own virtuousness in addition to that of the people around them. High intensity manifestation stone. Assists with regaining strength following a traumatic experience