Connects one to future selves, allowing one to see the outcomes of their choices Protects against nightmares Helps one reclaim their power following traumatic experiences
Connects one to future selves, allowing one to see the outcomes of their choices Protects against nightmares Helps one reclaim their power following traumatic experiences
Expands awareness and intuition. Instills a passion for exploration of the spiritual realms. Increases courage and life force, providing the stamina needed to engage in arduous work
Helps one clearly articulate spiritual insights Links the mind and the heart, helping one be anchored in the wisdom of love when interpreting messages from the Divine. Promotes wholeness of self.
Nicknamed “fairy crosses” and can be used to connect with nature spirits. Helps one link with the consciousness of unseen worlds. Aids in giving up self destructive habits and cleansing away negativity.
Combines the energies of the third eye with the throat chakra. Helps one understand messages from other realms with increased clarity and proficiency. Assists with reshaping one’s physical reality.
Allows one to draw upon the fiery energies of the Earth. Enhances intuition and releases trapped negativity. Opens inner doors of self discovery and activates one’s personal power.
Enhances self healing via visualization Increases one’s receptivity to messages from the spiritual world Helps with consistency and cutting through unfair criticism
Talisman of alchemical transformation Brings out one’s inner magician Heightens sensitivity to psychic energies
Great stone for channeling. Allows one to stay grounded while receiving messages from the other side. Helps manifest intentions in loving ways.