
Facilitates travel through various spheres of existence, culminating in access to the Akashic records. Promotes strong loyalty to the self and recognition of one’s inner beauty. Supports courage in situations where the outcome …

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Petrified Wood

Gives one access to timeless knowledge. Solidifies feelings of security and strength in times of change. Encourages patience in the process of slow change.


Stabilizing and calms excess female energy. Helps banish grief, and enhances self-control. Stimulates the power of wise decision-making.

Moonstone (all variations)

Moonstone (regular) Promotes harmony and wellbeing, especially in relationships. Brings new beginnings, good fortune and confidence. Offers protection for travelers New Moonstone Carries the energy of the new moon Assists the shaman in …

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Lapis Lazuli

Assists in the opening of the third eye and the attainment of wisdom. Associated with the ‘royal’ virtues of courage, insight, strength, clarity and compassion. A great stone for students and teachers.

Herkimer Diamonds

Clears the mind for meditation, psychic readings, dreaming. In meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Can be used as bridge to stimulate energy flow …

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Helpful for meditation and astral projection. Strengthens and aligns auric field. Said to diminish the effects of alcohol.


Enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline, and orderliness. Brings courage to one’s life and boosts creativity and expression. Helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in one’s behalf.


Emanates an energy which purifies & clears one’s surroundings of all types of negativity. Aids in releasing old fears & recalling past lives.  May be used to enhance one’s dreams and protect from …

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Balances the energies of the mind, body, spirit and emotions. Alleviates hostility, anger and depression. Promotes generosity, higher consciousness and receptiveness to all the beauty that life has to offer us every day.


Brings clarity of mind and enhanced communication skills. Excellent for use in dream recall and astral travel. Calms and balances the user, replacing pain with loving light.


Heightens psychic abilities, insight, intuition, second-sight, and channeling abilities. Helps us modify harmful behavior patterns. Encourages thoughtfulness, and helps us think before we react. Helps us break away from outmoded beliefs and inspires …

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