Aventurine – Blue

Assists those needing to overcome “Peter Pan syndrome” and helps one accept that adulthood is preferable to eternal youth. Promotes acceptance of responsibility and owning one’s personal power. Stimulates the third eye chakra …

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Chalcopyrite/Peacock Ore

Assist one in finding “lost” objects Accumulates information which will be beneficial to the user. Great stone for overall awareness and can strengthen one’s contact with the ancient cultures of the universe.

Larimar (Blue Pectolite)

Helps one free themselves from the bondage of the material world, and pursue deeper understanding of their purpose in this world. Encourages repentance and admission of guilt when one is being belligerent or …

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Tourmaline (all colors)

Tourmaline (all) Assists with clearing, maintaining and stimulating the energy centers of the body. Strengthens willpower and protects the user in moments where they have ventured outside their comfort zone. Has been called …

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Works by opening one’s etheric body to increased levels of divine light, allowing for greater feelings of compassion and joy. Helps one express themselves openly and honestly. Can assist mediums and channels incontacting …

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Calcite (All variations)

Clear Calcite (Icelandic Spar) Amplifies intent, helping to bring it into the physical world. Helps one clearly see the root of problems. Assists with forgiveness and resolving contradictions in one’s life. Blue Calcite …

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A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent conductor. Soothes emotions and improves communication. Strengthens and aligns all meridians, chakras and energy fields.

Tigers Eye – Blue (Hawk’s Eye)

Enhances integrity of communication. Helps one find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Used for protection.


A stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. Helpful with work with groups. Good for healing breaches in communication.


Facilitates travel through various spheres of existence, culminating in access to the Akashic records. Promotes strong loyalty to the self and recognition of one’s inner beauty. Supports courage in situations where the outcome …

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Kyanite – Blue

Aligns the chakras and closes gaps in one’s auric field. Broadens perspective, allowing one to accept new ideas Assists with meditation and dream recall.

Lapis Lazuli

Assists in the opening of the third eye and the attainment of wisdom. Associated with the ‘royal’ virtues of courage, insight, strength, clarity and compassion. A great stone for students and teachers.

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