Tigers Eye – Gold

Increases physical energy, stamina, mental clarity, will power, strength and decisiveness. Increases personal power & ability to manifest one’s desires. Provides protection, clarity, empowerment, will power and protection when you travel.


Facilitates travel through various spheres of existence, culminating in access to the Akashic records. Promotes strong loyalty to the self and recognition of one’s inner beauty. Supports courage in situations where the outcome …

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Petrified Wood

Gives one access to timeless knowledge. Solidifies feelings of security and strength in times of change. Encourages patience in the process of slow change.

Moqui Ball (Shaman Stone)

Used historically by shamanic tribes, Enlightens the energy centers, relieve energy blocks, stimulates the qi, and grounds. Acts to protect when placed in ones environment.

Moonstone (all variations)

Moonstone (regular) Promotes harmony and wellbeing, especially in relationships. Brings new beginnings, good fortune and confidence. Offers protection for travelers New Moonstone Carries the energy of the new moon Assists the shaman in …

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A “Stone of Focused Action” and a “Stone of Courtesy”. Promotes certainty and with taking control of one’s actions. Helps one to think ahead


Helps highly sensitive and spiritual people feel comfortable and ‘at home’ on Earth. Permits access to past life memories & the Akashic records. Can be used to repair holes in the aura & …

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