
A form of tektite formed from a meteor impact in Germany. The “molda” part of the name comes from the Moldau River in the Czech Republic, where some of the earliest specimens produced …

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Obsidian (all variations)

Black Obsidian/Apache Tear Relieves grief and sadness and assists in giving and accepting forgiveness. Releases negative emotions, and balances one’s emotional state. Excellent as a meditation tool, especially when used for clarifying issues …

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Opal (all variations)

Opal (all) Amplifies traits and characteristics. Brings happy dreams, releases inhibitions and encourages memory. Can increase faithfulness and loyalty Common Opal Cleanses and rebalances the etheric body. Increases ones ability to earn and …

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Brings healing and vitality to the whole body and increases patience, confidence and assertiveness. Slows the aging process, and aids in the treatment of digestive, heart, lung and eye disorders. Helpful in facilitating …

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Increases intuition Good stone for past life recall, specifically because it protects one from the feelings associated with past memories, allowing for more objective recollection. Helps soothe anger and invites feelings of joy.

Prasiolite (Green Amethyst)

Links physical and spiritual aspects of life, activating the heart as one’s center of conscious. Strengthens one’s mind, emotions & will. Attracts prosperity.


Helps translate the longings of the heart to be understood. Keeps one from worrying about things that might not happen. Encourages being present.

Rhyolite (Rainforest Jasper)

Stone of awareness, revealing the paths one must travel to manifest their intention. Shows the user scenes from their past and reminds them of the lesson they were supposed to learn from this …

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Ruby In Fuschite

Encourages facing the future with trust and confidence. Promotes self esteem and greater discernment when choosing romantic partners. Infuses one with life force energy and powers through blockages.

Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite)

Promotes growth and fertility in all aspects of life Harmonizes relationships with others Helps one joyfully engage with the world


Emits a profound healing vibration and facilitates the energetic activation of cellular regeneration. Assists with meditation. Believed to help activate the Kundalini, or ‘serpent fire’ energies.


Helps contact and communicate with angels. Beneficial for intuition and psychic awareness. Helpful for sending unconditional love.

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