Moonstone (all variations)

Moonstone (regular) Promotes harmony and wellbeing, especially in relationships. Brings new beginnings, good fortune and confidence. Offers protection for travelers New Moonstone Carries the energy of the new moon Assists the shaman in …

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Promotes thinking outside the box and embracing unconventional solutions to problems. Enhances mental energies and increases the frequency of “A-ha!” moments. Helps one attune to the frequency of the future, making it a …

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Allows one to draw upon the fiery energies of the Earth. Enhances intuition and releases trapped negativity. Opens inner doors of self discovery and activates one’s personal power.

Ruby in Granite

Combines the protective grounding energies of granite with the root chakra balancing effect of ruby to offer a powerful stone for relationship work and development of personal power. Cultivates discernment while bringing awareness …

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Compared to antennas which attune to the frequency of the Divine. Excellent healing and manifestation stone and works faster in these processes than other crystals by blocking out any unnecessary interference, both from …

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Insulates from negative energies in the environment and accelerates inner growth. Combats exhaustion and weakness. Fosters the ability to communicate and may be considered as a stone of peace due to its ability …

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Resonates with the energies of the moon, femininity, and the Goddess. Encourages introspection and self work, making it energetically opposite to gold. Best utilized when amplifying the energies of stones that open the …

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Smoky Quartz

Removes blockages to physical energy associated with fear and early negative experiences. Balances and cleanses the meridians and subtle bodies. Turns wishes and dreams into a reality.


Gentle uplifting quality. Opens the door to the sanctuary that resides within, making it great for use in crisis situations. Skutterudite also encourages creativity and a clear perspective.


Stone of balance that can help when one is either too grounded or too engaged in the higher realms. Works by helping user to distinguish between what they would like to be true …

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