
Helps one clearly articulate spiritual insights Links the mind and the heart, helping one be anchored in the wisdom of love when interpreting messages from the Divine. Promotes wholeness of self.


Places the user in an egg of light, shielding the emotional body from negativity. Promotes service work and a commitment to one’s faith. Lowers inhibitions and allows one to express love freely.

Atlantisite (Stichtite in Serpentine)

Releases negative emotions, such as grief and sadness, and balances one’s emotional state. Assists one in giving and accepting forgiveness. Excellent as a meditation tool, especially when used for clarifying issues and gaining …

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Obsidian (all variations)

Black Obsidian/Apache Tear Relieves grief and sadness and assists in giving and accepting forgiveness. Releases negative emotions, and balances one’s emotional state. Excellent as a meditation tool, especially when used for clarifying issues …

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Chalcopyrite/Peacock Ore

Assist one in finding “lost” objects Accumulates information which will be beneficial to the user. Great stone for overall awareness and can strengthen one’s contact with the ancient cultures of the universe.


Great stone for strengthening cohesion in groups, whether they be family, co-workers, or a team of athletes. Encourages opening one’s heart to others and displaying genuine feelings of love. Stimulates the crown chakra …

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Represents the perfection of the spiritual love of “All That Is” and resonates with all chakras, especially the heart. Allows one to accept their existence in the physical realm and understand their reason …

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Tiffany Stone

Facillitates smooth transitions. Especially useful when one has to have difficult conversations, as it encourages receptivity to others and also improves articulation of thought. Aids in the promotion of business.


Great for people who have trouble taking risks, as it shows the potential positive outcomes of jumping into the unknown. Resonates with the crown chakra and can help make one more ambitious and …

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Brings calm to emotional stormy seas, Helps one handle stressful situations while preserving integrity and well-being. Purifies one of negative thoughts and attachments such as resentment and envy.

Fluorite (all colors)

A useful stone for clarifying one’s mental processes and bringing one’s energies ‘down to earth’. Believed to facilitate enhanced concentration and more rapid learning, as well as better judgment. Excellent for calming chaotic …

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Emanates an energy which purifies & clears one’s surroundings of all types of negativity. Aids in releasing old fears & recalling past lives.  May be used to enhance one’s dreams and protect from …

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