Tigers Eye – Gold

Increases physical energy, stamina, mental clarity, will power, strength and decisiveness. Increases personal power & ability to manifest one’s desires. Provides protection, clarity, empowerment, will power and protection when you travel.


Removes negative willfulness and distracting thoughts and emotions. Helps ground reasoning and promotes an abundance of creative energies. Synthesizes the four elements in ceremonies and ritual work.


Facilitates travel through various spheres of existence, culminating in access to the Akashic records. Promotes strong loyalty to the self and recognition of one’s inner beauty. Supports courage in situations where the outcome …

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Helpful for meditation and astral projection. Strengthens and aligns auric field. Said to diminish the effects of alcohol.


Brings forth new ideas, allowing one to see the positive beneficial and constructive forces of events and conditions. Extends awareness and is used in groups to increase universal consciousness. Assists with mending bones.


Combines mental clarity and strength of will with a high sense of spiritual purpose and purity of one’s energies. Puts one’s personal power in service to highest aspirations. Dispels negative energies in one’s …

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Transmutes negative energies into positive. Calms one’s nerves, enlivens one’s disposition, purifies one’s energies, and instills an inner sense of warmth. Promotes good health and longevity of relationships.

Citrine – Natural

Helps bring in divine energy to manifest one’s intentions. Assists with decision making in difficult situations. Supports abundance and positive self esteem.

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