
Helps the user quiet the mind and detach from chaotic situations. Clears and opens the crown chakra and links it with the heart, allowing one to move in consciousness into the angelic realm, …

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Aventurine – Blue

Assists those needing to overcome “Peter Pan syndrome” and helps one accept that adulthood is preferable to eternal youth. Promotes acceptance of responsibility and owning one’s personal power. Stimulates the third eye chakra …

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Great for people who have trouble taking risks, as it shows the potential positive outcomes of jumping into the unknown. Resonates with the crown chakra and can help make one more ambitious and …

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Awaken creativity and is particularly useful for artists who lack faith in their work. Fills one with compassion and love, allowing them to take pride in their output and use it for the …

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Shiva Lingam

Naturally created in the Narmada River in India Balances masculine and feminine energy Fosters spiritual rebirth and activates kundalini energy.

Calcite (All variations)

Clear Calcite (Icelandic Spar) Amplifies intent, helping to bring it into the physical world. Helps one clearly see the root of problems. Assists with forgiveness and resolving contradictions in one’s life. Blue Calcite …

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Tigers Eye – Blue (Hawk’s Eye)

Enhances integrity of communication. Helps one find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Used for protection.


A stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. Helpful with work with groups. Good for healing breaches in communication.


Assists in processing large amounts of information. Can be used to access past – and future – lives. Clears the auric body and assists with the connection to the higher self.

Moonstone (all variations)

Moonstone (regular) Promotes harmony and wellbeing, especially in relationships. Brings new beginnings, good fortune and confidence. Offers protection for travelers New Moonstone Carries the energy of the new moon Assists the shaman in …

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Lapis Lazuli

Assists in the opening of the third eye and the attainment of wisdom. Associated with the ‘royal’ virtues of courage, insight, strength, clarity and compassion. A great stone for students and teachers.


Helpful for meditation and astral projection. Strengthens and aligns auric field. Said to diminish the effects of alcohol.

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