Fluorite (all colors)
A useful stone for clarifying one’s mental processes and bringing one’s energies ‘down to earth’. Believed to facilitate enhanced concentration and more rapid learning, as well as better judgment. Excellent for calming chaotic …
Increases happiness and helps one attain the ultimate in any area. Enhances creativity. Cleanses blockages from the etheric body like a moving river.
Enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline, and orderliness. Brings courage to one’s life and boosts creativity and expression. Helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in one’s behalf.
Brings clarity of mind and enhanced communication skills. Excellent for use in dream recall and astral travel. Calms and balances the user, replacing pain with loving light.
Blizzard Stone
Particularly helpful to those who are working on spiritual transformation. Helps align chakras and the meridian system. Works gently and more gradually than other stones.
Brings forth new ideas, allowing one to see the positive beneficial and constructive forces of events and conditions. Extends awareness and is used in groups to increase universal consciousness. Assists with mending bones.
“Stone of heaven”. Aids in development of psychic skills and abilities. Brings just the right amount of energy to any situation.
Apophyllite, Green
Enhances honesty. Reduces fears, anxieties, and apprehensions. Amplifies one’s connection with nature, particularly devas, faeries, and earth spirits.
Creates a conscious connection between the physical form and the spiritual realm. Enhances mindful analysis. Helps one to realize that the state of perfection is the natural state of being.