Libyan Desert Glass

Of undetermined origin, with scientists agreeing that it is a form of melted silica, but disagreeing on whether it resulted from a meteor collision (making it a form of tektite) or a nuclear …

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A form of tektite formed from a meteor impact in Germany. The “molda” part of the name comes from the Moldau River in the Czech Republic, where some of the earliest specimens produced …

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Allows one to draw upon the fiery energies of the Earth. Enhances intuition and releases trapped negativity. Opens inner doors of self discovery and activates one’s personal power.


Activates the Light body, Excellent choice for astral travel and shamanic journeying Supreme stone of the third-eye chakra, and is recommended for use by intuitives and psychics.


Facilitates travel through various spheres of existence, culminating in access to the Akashic records. Promotes strong loyalty to the self and recognition of one’s inner beauty. Supports courage in situations where the outcome …

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Master healing stone, and is known for packing a big punch for its relatively small size. Accelerates the manifestation process. Amplifies vibrations of whatever they are placed near and act as a natural …

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Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite)

Promotes growth and fertility in all aspects of life Harmonizes relationships with others Helps one joyfully engage with the world


Compared to antennas which attune to the frequency of the Divine. Excellent healing and manifestation stone and works faster in these processes than other crystals by blocking out any unnecessary interference, both from …

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Helps contact and communicate with angels. Beneficial for intuition and psychic awareness. Helpful for sending unconditional love.

Shiva Lingam

Naturally created in the Narmada River in India Balances masculine and feminine energy Fosters spiritual rebirth and activates kundalini energy.


Cooled molten material from meteor collisions. Balances the masculine and feminine properties of one’s character. Stimulates the natural order of growth development and completion.


Among the first anthropods ever discovered, believed to have been prominent during the paleozoic era. Assists one in moving from the old to the new Supports innovation and enhances overall quality of life

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