
Highly attuned to the Earth and can help one become more aware of the needs of our planet. Stimulates the sacral and heart chakras, allowing for original expressions love. Promotes creativity and transformation, …

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Helps one expand their horizons and “change with the tides”. Encourages adapting to new ways of thinking. Reminds the user that change does not occur over night and that they must be patient …

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Increases intuition Good stone for past life recall, specifically because it protects one from the feelings associated with past memories, allowing for more objective recollection. Helps soothe anger and invites feelings of joy.


A stone of recovery. Revitalizes the chakras and meridian systems and brings fresh energy all around while reducing fatigue. Promotes victory when recovering from illness or trauma.


A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent conductor. Soothes emotions and improves communication. Strengthens and aligns all meridians, chakras and energy fields.


A stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. Helpful with work with groups. Good for healing breaches in communication.


Helps contact and communicate with angels. Beneficial for intuition and psychic awareness. Helpful for sending unconditional love.


Promotes optimism and passionate pursuit of one’s aspirations. Stone of courage that eliminates doubt and helps one deal with anxiety. Inspires the protective side of one’s nature, pushing them be of service to …

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Smoky Quartz

Removes blockages to physical energy associated with fear and early negative experiences. Balances and cleanses the meridians and subtle bodies. Turns wishes and dreams into a reality.


Brings healing and vitality to the whole body and increases patience, confidence and assertiveness. Slows the aging process, and aids in the treatment of digestive, heart, lung and eye disorders. Helpful in facilitating …

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Lapis Lazuli

Assists in the opening of the third eye and the attainment of wisdom. Associated with the ‘royal’ virtues of courage, insight, strength, clarity and compassion. A great stone for students and teachers.

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