Vesuvianite (Idocrase)

Promotes patriotism and loyalty to mankind. Stimulates mental abilities and provides access to one’s higher self. Dispels anger, relieves fear, and banishes depression.


Facillitates the delivery of a product “on time”. Balances excesses of male energy. Helps one discover a “map of the heavens” which can help with determining a destination prior to and during astral …

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Rhyolite (Rainforest Jasper)

Stone of awareness, revealing the paths one must travel to manifest their intention. Shows the user scenes from their past and reminds them of the lesson they were supposed to learn from this …

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Kyanite – Green

Helps one harmonize with the equilibrium of the environment around them. Can act as a sincerity detector. Supports astral travel and communication with Earth spirits.

Jade (all variations)

Black Jade Acts like a spiritual bodyguard, protecting against vulnerability to negative forces. Can be used as an invilibility cloak in the presence of such forces. Initiates deep inner travel, making it ideal …

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Chrysanthemum Stone

Helps one appreciate the unfolding of each petal in the “flower” of life. Acts as a magnet for positive synchronicities and good luck. Stimulates creative energies and helps bring one’s ideas into the …

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Dissolves feelings of loneliness by reminding the user that they are one with everything. Helps one feel serene in the face of change and disorder. Stimulates all chakras simultaneously.


Helps one overcome blockages related to ego, narcisissm, and vanity. Promotes acceptance and appreciation of one’s present circumstances. Assists in directing energy to manifest’s one’s dreams, doing so by reminding the user remain …

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Encourages charitable action and relieves sorrow. Helps produce spontaneous original thought Assists in producing stamina when dealing with hyperactive individuals.


Promotes stability. Assists in combatting mood swings. Helps one keep up the initiative to see their efforts through to the very end.

Healer’s Gold

Combination of pyrite and magnetite Source of life force energy and can be used on any or all of the chakras to balance the flow of energy in one’s etheric field. Acts as …

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Compared to antennas which attune to the frequency of the Divine. Excellent healing and manifestation stone and works faster in these processes than other crystals by blocking out any unnecessary interference, both from …

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