
Connects one to future selves, allowing one to see the outcomes of their choices Protects against nightmares Helps one reclaim their power following traumatic experiences


Brings love and clarity into relationships Amplifies energy of all kinds Imparts fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude

Topaz (all variations)

White/Colorless Topaz Magnifies whatever energy or intention is put into it Speeds up the vibrational energy of one’s dreams so they may manifest in reality Helps one to perceive the truth and hone …

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Helps one clearly articulate spiritual insights Links the mind and the heart, helping one be anchored in the wisdom of love when interpreting messages from the Divine. Promotes wholeness of self.

Shungite (All variations)

Seperated into two different types: elite shungite is composed of 30-50% carbon and is used more for carvings due to its shapability; Noble shungite is composed of 90% carbon, and is more metallic …

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Nicknamed “fairy crosses” and can be used to connect with nature spirits. Helps one link with the consciousness of unseen worlds. Aids in giving up self destructive habits and cleansing away negativity.


Places the user in an egg of light, shielding the emotional body from negativity. Promotes service work and a commitment to one’s faith. Lowers inhibitions and allows one to express love freely.


Promotes thinking outside the box and embracing unconventional solutions to problems. Enhances mental energies and increases the frequency of “A-ha!” moments. Helps one attune to the frequency of the future, making it a …

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Colorless beryl originally discovered locally in Goshen, MA! Stimulates the mental centers and enhances one’s ability to think logically. Enhances power of prayer and increases one’s loyalty to the truth.


Produces strong will Assists in endeavors requiring bravery and courage Enhances worldly abilities


Great stone for channeling. Allows one to stay grounded while receiving messages from the other side. Helps manifest intentions in loving ways.


Helps one expand their awareness and attune to the energies of the Divine. Gently opens the third eye by dissolving anxieties that are clouding the user’s intuition. Useful for healers who may be …

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