Ruby in Kyanite
Expands awareness and intuition. Instills a passion for exploration of the spiritual realms. Increases courage and life force, providing the stamina needed to engage in arduous work
Expands awareness and intuition. Instills a passion for exploration of the spiritual realms. Increases courage and life force, providing the stamina needed to engage in arduous work
Helps one clearly articulate spiritual insights Links the mind and the heart, helping one be anchored in the wisdom of love when interpreting messages from the Divine. Promotes wholeness of self.
Encourages happiness, contentment, enthusiasm, affection, pleasure, and joy. Helps one see the fundamental goodness of the universe. Supports healthy habits and the breakage of self destructive patterns.
Nicknamed “fairy crosses” and can be used to connect with nature spirits. Helps one link with the consciousness of unseen worlds. Aids in giving up self destructive habits and cleansing away negativity.
Places the user in an egg of light, shielding the emotional body from negativity. Promotes service work and a commitment to one’s faith. Lowers inhibitions and allows one to express love freely.
Combines the energies of the third eye with the throat chakra. Helps one understand messages from other realms with increased clarity and proficiency. Assists with reshaping one’s physical reality.
Stone of universal love. Emanates positive loving vibrations that soothe the heart and soul. Promotes compassion towards others and restores ones faith in the Divine.
Promotes forgiveness and healing of inner wounds. Helps one identify and clear karmic patterns. Removes all blockages and aligns the chakras
Heightens intellect and promotes openness to learning Supports an objective pride in ones abilities, allowing for humility and respect of other’s contributions Heals the heart and aligns the chakras
Produces strong will Assists in endeavors requiring bravery and courage Enhances worldly abilities
Opal (all) Amplifies traits and characteristics. Brings happy dreams, releases inhibitions and encourages memory. Can increase faithfulness and loyalty Common Opal Cleanses and rebalances the etheric body. Increases ones ability to earn and …
Strongly linked with ancient civilizations as well as the Akashic records and is recommended for anyone trying to access these places to retrieve information. White variety specifically resonates with the third eye chakra …