
Facilitates travel through various spheres of existence, culminating in access to the Akashic records. Promotes strong loyalty to the self and recognition of one’s inner beauty. Supports courage in situations where the outcome …

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Prasiolite (Green Amethyst)

Links physical and spiritual aspects of life, activating the heart as one’s center of conscious. Strengthens one’s mind, emotions & will. Attracts prosperity.


Helps translate the longings of the heart to be understood. Keeps one from worrying about things that might not happen. Encourages being present.


Shields against the negative energies of people, places and things. Stimulates the intellect, recalling information when you need it the most. Good stone for physical protection.


Master healing stone, and is known for packing a big punch for its relatively small size. Accelerates the manifestation process. Amplifies vibrations of whatever they are placed near and act as a natural …

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‘Stone of love and balance’, which can assist one in attaining an ecstatic state during meditation. Brings the vibration of joy into one’s daily life. Helpful in working with avoidance and denial.


Insulates from negative energies in the environment and accelerates inner growth. Combats exhaustion and weakness. Fosters the ability to communicate and may be considered as a stone of peace due to its ability …

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Stone of balance that can help when one is either too grounded or too engaged in the higher realms. Works by helping user to distinguish between what they would like to be true …

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Evokes leadership qualities. Encourages independence and individuality. Dispels fear and brings good fortune.


Encourages happiness, contentment, enthusiasm, affection, pleasure, and joy. Helps one see the fundamental goodness of the universe. Supports healthy habits and the breakage of self destructive patterns.

Tigers Eye – Blue (Hawk’s Eye)

Enhances integrity of communication. Helps one find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Used for protection.

Tigers Eye – Gold

Increases physical energy, stamina, mental clarity, will power, strength and decisiveness. Increases personal power & ability to manifest one’s desires. Provides protection, clarity, empowerment, will power and protection when you travel.

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