Stone of virtue which raises one’s own virtuousness in addition to that of the people around them. High intensity manifestation stone. Assists with regaining strength following a traumatic experience
Stone of virtue which raises one’s own virtuousness in addition to that of the people around them. High intensity manifestation stone. Assists with regaining strength following a traumatic experience
Seperated into two different types: elite shungite is composed of 30-50% carbon and is used more for carvings due to its shapability; Noble shungite is composed of 90% carbon, and is more metallic …
Among the first anthropods ever discovered, believed to have been prominent during the paleozoic era. Assists one in moving from the old to the new Supports innovation and enhances overall quality of life
Promotes patriotism and loyalty to mankind. Stimulates mental abilities and provides access to one’s higher self. Dispels anger, relieves fear, and banishes depression.
Nicknamed “fairy crosses” and can be used to connect with nature spirits. Helps one link with the consciousness of unseen worlds. Aids in giving up self destructive habits and cleansing away negativity.
Stone of awareness, revealing the paths one must travel to manifest their intention. Shows the user scenes from their past and reminds them of the lesson they were supposed to learn from this …
Allows one to draw upon the fiery energies of the Earth. Enhances intuition and releases trapped negativity. Opens inner doors of self discovery and activates one’s personal power.
Helps one harmonize with the equilibrium of the environment around them. Can act as a sincerity detector. Supports astral travel and communication with Earth spirits.
Heightens intellect and promotes openness to learning Supports an objective pride in ones abilities, allowing for humility and respect of other’s contributions Heals the heart and aligns the chakras
Helps one appreciate the unfolding of each petal in the “flower” of life. Acts as a magnet for positive synchronicities and good luck. Stimulates creative energies and helps bring one’s ideas into the …
Encourages charitable action and relieves sorrow. Helps produce spontaneous original thought Assists in producing stamina when dealing with hyperactive individuals.