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Kaitlin Campbell

A reading with Kaitlin will help you test whether your thoughts about your decision-making is in alignment with your higher purpose and will uncover any energy patterns cluttering your spiritual/intuitive channel.

Kaitlin Campbell began her study of Tarot in 2013 as a spiritual seeker with a formal background in Catholic Theology and Christian mysticism who incidentally started meeting Pagan goddesses during her daily meditations (like you do). Access to the archetypal images of the Tarot’s Major Arcana through the artistic genius of Pamela Coleman Smith unlocked in her a potent and powerful connection to spiritual source energy for herself that she began to offer to others when requested until, as the demand increased, she founded Tarot for Skeptical Seekers in 2021. Kaitlin begins a deep, loving, and soulful approach to her readings that spring from her talent as a storyteller and personal experience in trauma-informed healing practices and recovery. She also has an illuminating and delightful sense of humor.

book your appointment now!

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