Obsidian (all variations)
Black Obsidian/Apache Tear
- Relieves grief and sadness and assists in giving and accepting forgiveness.
- Releases negative emotions, and balances one’s emotional state.
- Excellent as a meditation tool, especially when used for clarifying issues and gaining insight.
Blue Obsidian
- Brings mental clarity and provides increased communication.
- Helpful in divination and telepathy.
- Good for getting rid of headaches.
Green Obsidian
- Excellent stone for psychic protection, as it is known for gently removing the hook-up cords connecting us to sources of negative energy.
- Brings out the user’s inner warrior and is believed to have been used by indigenous peoples to make knives and ritual items.
- Resonates with the heart chakra.
Mahogany Obsidian
- Stimulates growth of the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual centers.
- Used in the elimination of energy blockages.
- Relieves tension.
Pale Lavender Obsidian
- Helps facilitate astral travel.
- Stimulates one’s intuitive abilities and opens one to visions from their spirit guides.
- Can produce euphoria when entering a meditative state.
Pineapple Obsidian
- Combines the properties of obsidian and sulfur
- Removes negative and distracting influences, promoting an abundance of energy and inspiration.
- Helps to balance energy within.
Rainbow Obsidian
- Helps one journey into the inner depths to find the Light buried beneath.
- Assists with soul retrieval.
- Encourages hope and optimism in the face of difficulty.
Snowflake Obsidian
- Powerful stone of psychic protection.
- Purifies the auric field of negative influences from within and without.
- Dispels bad dreams and anxiety and helps one align with the Divine Light.
Strawberry Obsidian
- Excellent choice for those who lack confidence.
- Stimulates the root and heart chakras and helps one face their true self with honesty, compassion, and love.
- Especially helpful for people in abusive situations, as it will give them the confidence to stand up for themselves and end the situation once and for all.