
Increases honesty and self-discipline. Fosters practicality without eliminating whimsy. Great stone for people who are shy.

Fluorite (all colors)

A useful stone for clarifying one’s mental processes and bringing one’s energies ‘down to earth’. Believed to facilitate enhanced concentration and more rapid learning, as well as better judgment. Excellent for calming chaotic …

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A unique phenomenon that occurs when lightning strikes sand, silica, or soil. The material melts and cools in long tubes resembling the shape of the lightning. For this reason, it is also called …

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Resonates strongly with the energy of the sun, making it an excellent choice for opening the solar plexus and sacral chakras. Improves confidence and can also help one feel gratitude for what they …

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Natural energy amplifier that works best when used with other stones to increase their healing abilities. Used to access the Akashic records. Keeps one focused and aware of all that is.


Promotes stability. Assists in combatting mood swings. Helps one keep up the initiative to see their efforts through to the very end.

Healer’s Gold

Combination of pyrite and magnetite Source of life force energy and can be used on any or all of the chakras to balance the flow of energy in one’s etheric field. Acts as …

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Jade (all variations)

Black Jade Acts like a spiritual bodyguard, protecting against vulnerability to negative forces. Can be used as an invilibility cloak in the presence of such forces. Initiates deep inner travel, making it ideal …

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Kyanite – Blue

Aligns the chakras and closes gaps in one’s auric field. Broadens perspective, allowing one to accept new ideas Assists with meditation and dream recall.

Kyanite – Green

Helps one harmonize with the equilibrium of the environment around them. Can act as a sincerity detector. Supports astral travel and communication with Earth spirits.


Assists one in the discovery and practice of magic. Unleashes the power of imagination to help release limitations. Provides quick relief from anxiety, hopelessness and depression, replacing them with enthusiasm, self-confidence and inspiration.


Brings calm to emotional stormy seas, Helps one handle stressful situations while preserving integrity and well-being. Purifies one of negative thoughts and attachments such as resentment and envy.

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